Saturday, August 23, 2008

Damn you Derrida!

You know you might be a little out of touch with the thought processes of other people when, in the course of writing the curriculum for a women's leadership conference- with a section entitled "How and When to Challenge the Culture" you want to write about postmodern feminism and deconstruction. 

Damn you Derrida!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Random Thoughts When Waiting for my Laundry to get Done

* I'm anxious for school to start- I feel my brain has rotted over the summer.
* I'm scared about starting over- new place, new school, new degree
* I'm excited about this new opportuity.
* I'm worried I might get sick by the beginning of classes (boo!)
* I'm wondering what this random smell is- it smells like something mechanical/burning.
* I'm having a splitting headache- I hope it's not allergies.
* I'm going to be the uncouth person to hoard free food for the next week.
* I have a lot of stuff to do.
* Will I get paid in time to pay my rent?
* When am I getting that refund check......?
*Why is my laundry taking so bloody long...?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


When I first moved to Virginia, I thought, hey, no problem, Virginia is still in the south- I could still get sweet tea and Dr. Pepper, but the friendliness of Texas just was not matched. So now, here I am in New York.

The drive up from D.C. was gorgeous, but, I realized what a change this would be for me when I crossed the proverbial Mason-Dixon line between Maryland ad Pennsylvania. I have to admit, I shed a few tears. Good bye my beloved Sunny South. Hello dreary winters and God knows what else- the North.

On the way up, I stopped for a 30 minute tour of Gettysburg- after getting lost- so that put me a bit behind, but it was still nice to go and see Seminary Ridge, where my great great great grandfather got shot (wounded). Again, making me realize how deep my roots in the south go- he was a Confederate soldier with the 8th Louisiana.

But I kid- I really am not that hardcore of a Southerner- I just realize that this move to Syracuse might be even more of a culture shock than the move to Blacksburg, VA. I have yet to see- I have my TA orientation today. (woo………) On the up-side- there will be free food- and I might even be the uncouth person that brings tupper ware (hey! I have no food at home yet and still have to figure out where the grocery store is!)

More chronicles in my journey will follow later. For now, enjoy installment one. (And also, better internet connection that I am not having to steal....God willing....)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Two Years

I am approaching my two year mark here in Blacksburg, and as I do, I also approach the end of my time here. I have to say that there was a part of me that was going to miss it here- but then again, there are parts of me that are realizing that I am really outgrowing this place.

For the first year I was here, I mostly spent it missing home and my friends back in Texas. Yet, I met some of the most amazing people I know. It was a hard first year- between really moving far from the familiar, leaving behind people who really knew and understood me- and starting a relationship that in retrospect, proved to be a cause for so much of my poor reflection on Blacksburg and Virginia Tech.

During my second year here, I really made a bond with the people in my program and came to realize who my real friends here were- those who knew me best- and did not judge me for my inadequacies. I feel that my second year at Tech was a bit of a liberation for me and a slow reassertion of who I was. April 11, 2008 was a bit of a D-Day of sorts and a culmination of that reassertion- and taking back of my own life, after so much emotional and psychological abuse.

This summer has perhaps been the best time I have had here in Blacksburg- the slower pace, the ability to hang out and meet with more friends- has certainly been a nice change of pace. And of course- finding out what it really means to be appreciated and cared for also helps brighten the days all that much more. :)

My time at Virginia Tech has definitely been a learning experience. At this time last year, I don't think I realized this (actually, I distinctly remember crying about the fact I was coming back to Blacksburg.....). Lessons to carry on in life- and into my new beginnings in Syracuse.