Tuesday, November 9, 2010

There just are some days where I feel like I waste my time on some people....and I don't mean acquaintances or casual friends- I mean people who are supposed to mean the most to me. It is one thing to be busy with work and all that, I understand, but it is a totally different thing to have that get in the way of your life- and essentially make you a non-factor- and sometimes that is how I feel. You have become a non-factor. I just talk to you at the end of the day and even at that- I somehow feel it is forced, not sincere. And that feeling is further reinforced when you talk to others more at ease and for a longer time than you do with me.......

.....what to do about you my non-factor.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Been a while- but one thing that amuses me today- people who will rip apart a sport that they do not like, and then the next day become ardent supporters of that same sport.....
