Thursday, March 27, 2008

New Beginnings

So I'm sitting in the airport in Roanoke, getting ready to head to Syracuse, and I can't hlep but think that this is a new beginning. Technically, the "new start" won't really start until August, but the wheels are already in motion- and there are too many emotions going on to think and process effectively- sadness, happiness, anticipation, sorrow, melancholy, joy, questioning, reluctance, rinse, wash, and repeat.

The one thing you hear over and over is how change can be scary- is it really scary? or is it just we let our emotions and cognitions get the better of ourselves?

I am very excited about the prospects offered by Syracuse, but I still feel immense sadness about the people I'll leave behind and the changes that have occurred in my life since coming to Blacksburg- time will only tell.


Anonymous said...

All the best! - Subash

Mind Curry said...

thanks for stopping by at the DOC blog :) i can see you are far far away somewhere..

i like the unedited flow in your writing..

Buggy said...

well thank you! I tend to see my blog more as a cathartic release vis-a-vis stream of conciousness.

...and indeed I am far far away :( But I come to India very often for research.

Thanks for stopping by :)