Tuesday, January 30, 2007

So...I like to oversimplify things too....

Foreign Policy recently had an article criticizing those who are exuberant about greater cooperation between the United States and India, citing that India is NOT a natural fit for the U.S.

Interesting....I didn't think you had to "fit" to engage in relations with each other. I kinda though, according to International Relations 101 (if you want to take a very Bismarkian approach) you engage another country because of shared interests. As I see it, right now, India and the U.S. have many shared interests.

On another point, the article cites that India is not a responsible world power, specifically mentioning "peace-keeping" in Sri Lanka and becoming involved in Bangladesh in 1971, culminating in the Third Indo-Pak War (hmm.....I think in this case I would have been amazed if India HAD NOT become involved....just that little matter that it lies smack-dab in between the two...). And how would she define a "responsible power?" This is lacking in her argument, and really, honestly, what is an American doing defining that? Are we not in Iraq right now?

Anyways, that is just a critique of the first two pages....I could go on. and On. Unfortunately...I have schoolwork.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Communication, Please

So I think today's theme is communication.

Today, I held my first English Conversation Class. It was fun. The two students I had are both spouses to graduate students at Virginia Tech. I felt so invigorated to be surrounded by people who were so eager to learn. I think that is the type of environment I have been missing here the whole time thus far that I have been at Tech: finding people who are excited about learning, just for the sake of learning.

And another side of communication- disputes, arguments, and conflict. It's funny how communication can play such a multi-faceted role in each of these. Communication, or lack thereof, can spur all three of these to occur. Arguments and Disputes, particularly, happen because of what was said, or left unsaid. Opening the channels of communication, if cooler heads prevail, can help diffuse these sitautions. But communication, if tempers run hot, can also worsen an already bad situation. I have a feeling that if people just got the gumption to say what needed to be said in the FIRST place, and not talk around the point or withhold necessary information, this world might be a lot better off than it is now.

Rant done. Schoolwork to be done....sigh....

On a side note, Seby started a blog...go forth and visit!

And I have Rilo Kiley's Accidental Death stuck in my head...check it out.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Here's a hint, when you are bored in class, write a poem. At least, that's what I plan to do....it seems to be a bit more productive than scribbling in my notes.

I figured I needed to update this too. Some entries, perhaps, should be coming soon.