Tuesday, January 30, 2007

So...I like to oversimplify things too....

Foreign Policy recently had an article criticizing those who are exuberant about greater cooperation between the United States and India, citing that India is NOT a natural fit for the U.S.

Interesting....I didn't think you had to "fit" to engage in relations with each other. I kinda though, according to International Relations 101 (if you want to take a very Bismarkian approach) you engage another country because of shared interests. As I see it, right now, India and the U.S. have many shared interests.

On another point, the article cites that India is not a responsible world power, specifically mentioning "peace-keeping" in Sri Lanka and becoming involved in Bangladesh in 1971, culminating in the Third Indo-Pak War (hmm.....I think in this case I would have been amazed if India HAD NOT become involved....just that little matter that it lies smack-dab in between the two...). And how would she define a "responsible power?" This is lacking in her argument, and really, honestly, what is an American doing defining that? Are we not in Iraq right now?

Anyways, that is just a critique of the first two pages....I could go on. and On. Unfortunately...I have schoolwork.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes when you're bored in class
And tired of just sitting there on your ass

It's all you can do
To keep your mind from turning to goo

And you start to scribble
Instead of listening to the drivel

It lets you escape for awhile
Lets your mind float around an isle

You know you must eventually come back
Yet without these breaks, you'd crack

So it's basically a draw
Because in class, paying attention is the law!

Anonymous said...

Tick tock, tick tock goes the clock on the wall
It's up there, way up tall

All our eyes occasionally glance its way
Eager to see what it may say

Soon enough, I know, it will be time to go
And we'll all leave, with books in tow

But for now that's a distant dream
At least that's how it may seem

Sigh, I guess I'll get back to taking notes
Cause soon enough I'll be home watching my soaps!

Anonymous said...

Discussion goes around the room
Kind of reminds me of a witch on her broom

No one can answer all the prof's questions
Makes me nervous about his intentions

We're supposed to talk about our work
I have don't any; makes him berserk

I still say the fault is not all mine
It's dependent on others dropping me a line

I can honestly say I've done my part
I mean, it's not something you can find at the Wal-Mart

So hopefully next week I'll have more to report
And avoid the professors skeptical retort

Anonymous said...

It's funny living in a sea of people you don't know
All piled up around you, like mountains of snow

Each going briskly about their day
Not noticing others who come across their way

Makes me wonder how people in larger cities can manage
To be able to feel like a human and not another piece of garbage

I suppose it all boils down to your view of things
And how much time you spend on these random musings

For me, I prefer the simple life
Because it's filled with much less strife

But the funny thing is, if too many others felt the same way
My simple life will no longer be quite so tame

Then all the crowds would depart the cities
To come join me in the (formerly) itty-bittys

Buggy said...

someone really is bored in class....