Saturday, December 15, 2007

Good to be Home

So after a two hour delay in Chicago, I made it to Austin...only to find that one of my bags didn't even make it on the plane (how one made it, and the other didn't beyond me) So it was supposed to be delivered by 4 pm today, but that didn't happen- apparently they got the address wrong, and after two calls, they still did not have it right. So anywho...still waiting for the luggage. Wouldn't be my life if it weren't interesting.

Events that happened just within one hour of waking up:

*discussions of my dad's nursing home (bottom of the ocean, or a back alley)
*full out dart gun battle between my dad and brother
*the dog getting in on the action
*being woken up by said dart guns and dog.
*being shunned and then unshunned
*dad dances to Shakira

And that's without mom and sister in the mix. It will be some kind of break...

....and i still do have work to do :op Oh well...i'll enjoy it for now :)

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