Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!!

So ends's been quite a year:

*finished my first year at Virginia Tech
*Went to India for three months
*Applied for PhD programs
*Started my thesis
*Traveled up and down the East Coast visiting friends
*New friends made, old ones kept
*Started the year in San Diego, and ending it in Dallas

There's been a lot more, but I can't really think of it right now :op

And I've never been one for making resolutions, but here are some things I would like to do in 2008:

1. Listen better- whether it is just to advice from friends or just keeping track of a conversation (I tend to let my mind wander)
2. Be more patient- try to make a better effort at understanding others and not letting the little things bother me.
3. Be Proactive on my Thesis- get 'er done.
4. Start looking for internships/jobs= because I have to do something during the summer.
5. Be better with my finances- start saving more.
6. And of course- not taking life too seriously (we all die anyways)

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