Tuesday, December 26, 2006

On the Road Again..

So just when I get done driving halfway across the country.....I decided to drive across the other half! I'm currently chillin' in the hotel room, listening to the ipod, and updating. Dad and Andrew are busy working out or something (which, if I had known there were workout facilities, I would have brought workout clothes...). So, here's the chronicle of the journeys so far.

We stopped for lunch at this great overlook. It was a picnic area up on a ridge and you have an amazing view down into a valley. The area is so desolate, but there is a beauty to it. I don't know, you can call me weird, but I find something beautiful in the landscape of West Texas. Maybe it's because it is underappreciated.

I was expecting it to be a bad drive, but thanks to the Great State of Texas, the speedlimit is now 80 mph in West Texas, which believe me, makes a world of difference. Thank you Rick Perry, it's one of the only good things you've done and I don't know if I can really say that you did that. And I came within spittin' distance of Mexico, but did not go to Mexico, despite my protestations to the contrary. Triste :(

Tomorrow, we're going to Fort Bowie; my dad says it's pretty cool. It was a staging ground for Union troops for the Battle of Picacho Peak, which is the westernmost Civil War battle, and afterwards, was the site of a outpost on the frontier. There are two battles in the Native American wars near the site as well. I'm excited to be getting out and doing something. We should be reaching San Diego late tomorrow.

Good night all!

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