Friday, December 1, 2006

Welcome to my Little Corner of the Internet

Once again, as I do every so often, I decided to start a blog/journal/whatever. What I'm hoping will make this one different is that I will write more than "UGH! My family pisses me off" or "WHY ARE BOYS SO STUPID!" I also hope to use it to place my most random thoughts because the Good Lord knows I have plenty of those. And there are some of them that I actually am quite disappointed I don't remember later because they are good thoughts.

I've had Livejournal and Xanga , so we'll see how this goes. Hopefully, I'll have something useful to contribute towards discussions.

Dear reader, all I can promise is this: some posts will be short and some will be long, some will be frequent and others may take months before you hear from me again. It should be all well and interesting, and as always, comments will always be welcome and appreciated.

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